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HSV1 IgG >1.1. Am I having HSV1?

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Hey Dr I have difficulties understanding exactly what my test results means. Could you please give me an in-depth explanation whether or not I have this HSV I . The results are as follows

HSV I IgM - 0.24
HSV I IgG - 1.56
HSV II IgM - 0.28
HSV II IgG - 0.67


From information I researched online I found that above 1.1 is proved to be POSITIVE but then after other forums I read it can also be a false positive. What is it really?
When I showed my boyfriend the results because I thought I was positive he immediately went to his Dr to do the test but then the Dr ask whether he did a test recently, in which he did, then when he showed the Dr his results, his Serologie treponemique results was negative (its French when i googled it has something to do with Syphilis), which he said that test could determine whether or not he had HSV. The correct Term as I saw it was( Sérologie de dépistage des tréponématoses) He said thats the way they do these test in France. When he gave the Dr my results the Dr said my results are negative as well. Which leaves me just confused. Does this Dr know exactly what he's talking about? Or am I played for a fool by my boyfriend because of this language barrier?

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
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Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

Serological test for treponeme is a yeast for syphilis. It will not be able to give any information regarding HSV infection.

Positive results for HSV antibodies is when there are antibodies detected. IgM indicates recent infection and I gG indicates old infection with HSV.

In your case since all are positive it means that you have had herpes infection but is difficult to say when have you got the infection since even IgG is positive.

This link is for your reference.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

Patient replied :

Ok Dr you need to be a little more specific. What do you mean by all are positive? Does this mean i'm positive for HSV I & II as well as CHLAMYDIA? More so how is it scaled? meaning is there a scale i can compare my results to? How does it work exactly? Because even on my lab results paper it says (POSITIVE: GREATER THAN 1.1) even the internet says this and the only thing i see greater than 1.1 is HSV I. which is contradictory to what you're saying. So what is it exactly?

Sorry for the confusion.
Let me elaborate.
Your test results are all fine, except for HSV-I IgG which indicates a past infection. It becomes significant only if you had any episodes of mouth sores in the recent past ( as in the last 3-6 months or so ). A major part of adult population gets herpes I during their childhood, and hence develop IgG antibodies which is not significant. Only when it is coupled with mouth sores it shows herpes is still active. What I mean to say is HSV-I IGG only indicates a past infection which affects nearly 30 % of population. Your other reports for HSV-II and chlamydia is negative. So you need not worry about them. Even HSV-I IGM is negative, meaning there has been no infection recently ( in last 1 month ).
Hope this was helpful.
Do ask further queries if you have,

Patient replied :

Ok Thanks very much i understand clearly now. Another concern i have is with my boyfriend's test results. He was tested for Hepatites B and his results are as follows
Anticorps anti HBc totaux - NEGATIVE
Anticorps anti HBS - POSITIVE
Could u please give me and explanation of what this results mean that is does he have it? i'm sorry its in French but this is how i recieved it...

Did he receive any vaccine for hepatitis b?
His HbsAg is negative, so he currently does not have hepatitis. But his anti-hbs antibody is positive which can happen due to vaccination.

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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